I'm trying to find happiness in everyday, but I'm honestly just too worn down. And I get so, so angry that I have to do this all alone. Believe me, I'm happily divorced, and my family is great, but I'm irate that my boys' dad doesn't do anything for them. Not even a phone call on their birthdays. He's faded out of their lives, leaving me to pick up the slack, to be a mother and a father, when some days I don't even have what it takes to be a decent mom. I yell, I leave dishes undone, I feed them fast food, and sometimes I'm so busy that I have to ask myself if I even hugged my children today.
So I feel sorry for myself. It's not fair. Life wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I was supposed to be given a reward for all the bullshit I was dealt. I was supposed to fertilize and grow a garden from all the literal crap life has thrown at me. When do I get a break or something good? I know a lot of people have it worse. Believe me, I know. This is my pity party and I'll cry if I want to.
And don't get me started on the garbage can men out there. I try to stay far, far away from them, but somehow one always slithers in. I'm dumb enough to think that maybe this time it will be different. But it's never different. It's always the same POS man dressed in a different skin suit. I'm so done. I'm about to be eaten alive by my own warranted bitterness. Is happiness somewhere hidden in the heartache? How do I find light again? Or is life just hopelessness and getting to the end of the day?
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