Monday, December 15, 2014

So Tell Me Want You Want, What You Really, Really What.

All I want to do is a zigazig Ha. And I am.

I have recently come into the habit of taking exactly what I want when I want. I no longer waste time wondering if I’m worth it or I deserve it. I have decided that I am as beautiful as the sunrise, as smart as a trickster, and funny as hell. I spent the last ten years of my life, being told I wasn't good enough. Loving myself is a triumph. I'm proud of who I've become and proud I made it through hell.
I will get the wonderful things life has to offer me. I will no longer wait for the wonderful to come. I have stopped being scared of the unknown. When there is nothing more to lose, everything can be gained. I lost a lot. Then I lost some more. And a little more.
For the first time, I am free. I am not bound by expectations or rules. I am me whether you like it or not. I am faithful, yet unfeeling. I am obsessed, yet relaxed. I need you, but need no one. I am kind but tough. I am passionate but platonic. I am only predicable in my unpredictability. I am a paradox. I am a complication. And I am everything you've ever wanted to be.
I am dancing in the sunshine, breathing in the coming air. Reveling in the gifts of life. The pain has turned me into something greater. Now the happiness has come into my heart, overtaking me.

If you want it, ask for it. Take it. It's yours because you deserve it. Don't stand around, waiting for someone to offer you what you want. It's yours, honey. You deserve it. No one can stop you but yourself. So when that little voice inside your head tells you that you cannot, tell it to go to hell. Live your life. Be thankful. Be humble, but take what is yours. Be happy. Be you.

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