Friday, February 21, 2014

If You Want Them to Like You, Show Them the Splits

It was my first day back in the workforce. I was so nervous, so nervous that I didn't sleep much and had to chug Diet Pepsi to wake up in the morning. All I've done for the last seven years was be a mom, which in itself is a hard job, but today I had to wear real clothes and act like an adult the whole day.

I was in charge of 4th and 5th grade math and science. The teacher I was filling in for was my former cheerleading coach, which I told they kids. They asked if I could still do splits and gymnastics. I told them I could, and they wanted to see. Because of the tile floors, flips were out, so they begged for a split. Luckily I was wearing pants, so I delivered. They said I was the best substitute they ever had. Ha ha! It doesn't take much to impress them.

I had to teach math! It was 5th grade math, but it still scared to bejeezus out of me. We were talking about products and quotients and dividends. Then there was F=M x A. There were meters per second and Newtons and whatnot. And they got it. Yippee! There was also a wild rabbit hopping about my classroom, so that was fun, too. The best part was a friend, who I grew up with, was the teacher across the hall, so when I had to use a MAC to show a slide show about science (ekk!) she and the other fourth graders helped me figure it out.

I hope they ask me back very soon. I told the kids if I sub for P.E. I'll show them my front hand springs. I better limber up. It was sure good to be back. I loved St. Johns. I hope I can afford to send my kids there one day because it is a wonderful, tightknit community. I kind of feel like doing a St. Johns cheer. Where's Hope when I need her?

And I found my senior picture in the front office. I'm the very pale girl, second to the last one on the right, bottom row.


  1. Math is evil, even 5th grade math. And I think I'm just as impressed as your students that you were able to bust out with the splits at the drop of a hat. I've never been able to do a split! I added yoga to my workouts because I thought it would be cool to get limber enough to actually be able to do one. Yeah, that's not happening. I guess I'll stick to lifting weights. I'm glad you had such a great first day!!!

  2. I'm double jointed. That's why I can still do the splits. My mom can still do them, too.

  3. And Math is evil. I wanted to tell the kids, but didn't think their teacher would like if I told them the truth.
