Thursday, March 20, 2014

If I Get a Little Prettier Could I be Your Baby?

Is it just me, or do you feel like if you're not perfect, no one is ever going to give you a chance. I'm not just talking about dating, but the world in general. Sometimes I wonder why people ever talk to someone like me, a tired, hag who prefers yoga pants to jean. Now, this isn't a plug to get everyone to flood me with compliments. It's a plug for everyone's feelings of inadequacies. Do you ever feel like your hardest is never enough? Is it the media's fault or is it mine? Do I worry too much? I don't know the answer, but I'll blame super models. They aren't faulted enough for the world's problems.

I'm so worried about not being the epitome of beauty that I bought a teeth whitener kit and a pack of facial masks. Is this what I've become, someone more worried about the outward appearance instead of the heart? Maybe it's because someone who once thought I was the most beautiful girl in the world changed their mind about me. No matter how much I wanted this divorce, it's screwed up my self-esteem. But through all the teeth whitening, I've figured out that it wasn't me who wasn't enough. I was everything I had always claimed to be. I was good enough, pretty enough, and dog gone it, people liked me. I wasn't the problem. It was him. I'm fine just the way I am.

It's hard, but you have to remember, no one is as great as they seem. Even Tom Hiddleston has failings. He's a huge nerd, unable to do simple math, and still doesn't know I exist. That lady at church with the perfect hair and well-behaved children, she's a mess on the inside. That guy you have a crush on, is just a guy. He farts and picks his nose when no one is looking. We're all just people, and people are as flawed as all get out. That's what makes us who we are. It's what makes us interesting. So embrace your imperfections. I'm working on loving mine.

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